Wednesday, October 31, 2007


OPTIONAL - Briefly describe a situation from a recent position that demonstrates your ability to develop PowerPoint presentations containing key information distilled from complex analyses that (1) communicate effectively to non-analytical people, (2) hig

(1) Presentation on "spam email".In order to capture full attention from fellow classmates as well as to stimulate discussion, I compiled a set of slides that only used 20% of a large volume of original statistics from IBM. The point was to convey the idea of why and how it works, plus a prediction of its future trends. With symbolic graphics and more of my own narrative about my research results, the project became very successful given the number of active responses.

(2) Because this question had cut off after "hig", I suppose you are questioning the opposite.

With highly analytical people, I was able to present to them my conclusions regarding the cause of a company's bankruptcy according to the data I distilled from their 3 annual reports. I had to analyze 3 years of financial statements and compile ratios in order to explain why they were not doing well. To adhere with the audience, I provided separate handouts with graphical statistics and talked those parts through in depth, to support my point.

do the same with my team on a presentation regarding "Dell Inc.'s Business Model", except we provide handouts and go through the relevant numbers to clarify various points we have at different stages. This way the audience adheres to the presenters and

OPTIONAL - Briefly describe a situation from a recent position that demonstrates your strategic thinking skills, including the ability to develop conceptual frameworks within which to develop ideas, consider options, and solve problems.
An occasion which involved scheduling conflicts. Our software has a bug where some parts may not be altered once set. We had one client who urgently needed a venue the next day but did not notify us until last minute. There were no availabilty but this client was important and we had to accomodate her. Thus, when there were no alternatives and no guidance from my supervisors (who decided that further assistance was impossible), I took the initiative to pick the right client and switch that client out in order to fit this current client in. This is unconventional and against our rules but if all clients were happy then everything worked out fine.

OPTIONAL - In a few words discuss a situation from a recent position that showcases your ability to combine your deep analytical expertise, strong presentation skills, and strategic business savvy to act as a consultant to business decision makers.
As a chief layout editor for our University's Yearbook club, I played a heavy sales role aside from being in charge of design. Our club had to push for college funding and therefore I also worked out the budget together with our Chief Editor. We decided to unconventionally replace hardcopy content with DVD's. This reduced cost AND encouraged funding, due to its appeal to a larger mass.

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