Thursday, October 25, 2007

Scraps for interviews

I needed a platform where I can write down interview questions. I have truly lost track right now and this will screw me over when people come up with weird questions for me again.

Speeddating Interview questions:
-What are challenges you encounter in your job? (Double booking, kindly asking people to leave, etc, customer service stuff, database stuff (we went without internet one day but maximized what we could do offline))
-What are your strengths? (You should pick me over others because...)
-Why do you want to be in finance? How do you use it to make yourself stand out?
-What are your weaknesses? (Yearbook team experience--Ju not asking for help.)
-What did you do on your law firm internship?
-What did you do in your events scheduling job?
-What was the worst mistake you've made in your job/school?
-Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
-What do you want to develop in this job?
-How does this company fit your needs?

- software migration failure
took the initiative to correct our database


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