Tuesday, April 20, 2010

precisely what everyone needs to learn if they are not in a robot job:


Seven Ways to Make Yourself Invaluable to Your Company

Linda Leung
April 2010

It's one thing going in to work every day and doing your part to keep the organization going. It's another to put in that extra effort to raise your profile and, perhaps, become an invaluable member of the team. No one is indispensable these days, but if you can show motivation and interest in the business, and develop ideas that will take the organization to a higher level, chances are good you will receive special recognition, or even a promotion. Here are seven strategies for making yourself invaluable to your employer.

1. Become a true expert on something. "Don't be satisfied with knowing only the part you use day to day in your job; pick a topic and learn it inside and out," says Jay Swan, CCIE #17783, a network engineer in Southwest Colorado, and a Cisco Press book author. http://www.informit.com/authors/bio.aspx?a=3ab604a5-e7dd-484b-a72e-8de99fb1950a"

"Offer internal training sessions on the topic so that you become known as the local expert on the topic. If you're one of two IT people trying to do it all in a small company, becoming the expert on 'networking' might mean being the guy who knows how to upgrade the software on the router. If you're in a large company with a dedicated network group, it'll be much more specific."

Swan says one skill that is immensely useful in almost any environment is the ability to interpret packet captures. "The standard tool for decoding packet captures is Wireshark, and it's free. This is a skill that takes a lot of patience and experience to develop, but it allows you to get data about what is actually happening on the network, vs. what's supposed to be happening. I have found so many weird, obscure problems over the years by looking at packet captures that I now have this motto in my group, 'when in doubt, capture packets.'"

2. Write clear and complete documentation. "IT people are notoriously bad at documenting things; the better you are at this, the more it would hurt to lose you and have to find someone with the same ability," Swan says.

Often, there's no magic formula to documentation. In many shops, there is no formal method for documentation, so the secret is to just do it. "In networking, I like to have three things: 1) A textual narrative that describes in plain language how something works and why it was designed that way; 2) Diagrams that show the visual relationships between the parts; and 3) Spreadsheets that list details, such as addresses and interface numbers. It's also very helpful to build design templates that describe standard ways of building systems," Swan says.

For some great examples of design templates, read the blog of Michael Morris, http://www.networkworld.com/community/morris, one of the first Cisco Certified Design Experts. If your company uses one of the IT process frameworks like ITIL®, there may already be standardized ways of doing this sort of thing.

3. Integrate your skillset. Deborah Lovell, past president of the Association of IT Professionals, says IT pros should add business knowledge and interpersonal skills to their skillset.

Attend professional development classes that focus on critical thinking and presentation skills. Another way could be to get involved with professional societies, or Toastmasters International, aimed at honing individual's speaking and leadership skills. "This is very important if IT workers want to survive in today's IT profession, which requires generalists," Lovell says.

According to Lovell, C-level execs are pushing their managers to send business people on technology courses. This could negatively impact IT pros who are unable to add business and interpersonal skills to their skillset.

4. Understand the business from your boss's boss point of view. This sounds like a tall order, particularly if you are at the bottom rung of the ladder, but you'll get brownie points if you understand your organization's initiatives and objectives, and seek opportunities for performance improvement, according to Susan Cramm, founder and president of executive coaching firm Valuedance.

Cramm's own story is inspirational: as software applications director in the late 1980s at restaurant chain Taco Bell, Cramm was being groomed to replace the CIO. She requested to be put on a high-profile special projects team to overhaul the company so she could be exposed to general business issues. In 1989, after a year on the special project, she was given responsibility for financial planning at Taco Bell, and in 1990 was named CIO. Four years later, with technical and financial experience under her belt, Cramm was appointed CFO at Chevy's Mexican Restaurants.

"Even if your role is in IT support or maintenance, you could still lend a hand. Interview your boss about the business. Raise your hand and offer to help," says Cramm, author of the book, Eight Things We Hate About IT http://www.eighthates.com/. Tell your boss that you want to learn more about the business and seek out projects that will help you develop skills such as forecasting, project funding, and so on. To get your foot in the door, offer to type up the notes from meetings. That will help to hone your listening and communication skills.

There are many roles that mix IT with business, such as IT liaison and relationship management. Having a good mix of business and technology skills seems to be the Holy Grail in many organizations.

5. Understand that things may not always go to plan. Cramm recalls the story of one service-minded call center leader who was invited by the business planning department to transfer over. He worked in that department for a while but the role required analytical skills, which the individual didn't have. "He came back to the call center department with an understanding that his niche was customer care," says Cramm. He eventually set up his own customer care company.

6. Work for a boss who has influence in the company. We don't get to choose our boss but we can make the most out of a good or bad situation, according to Cramm. A good boss will value your career goals and will help you get there, particularly if he or she is influential. If your boss is ineffectual, anything helpful that you do for the organization will reflect well on your boss. So it's a win-win situation.

7. Don't play the external job offer card. It's always a gamble to go to your boss and tell her that you've been offered a job with another company, but you are willing to stay if she offers you more money or a promotion. "As soon as you do that, you are seen as a mercenary," says Cramm.

If you want to stay with the company, it is better to approach your boss or HR with a six-month timeline of where you want to be in the company and the skills you want to learn, Cramm advises. That shows loyalty and drive. If nothing happens within three months, you should go back and reiterate your goals. It's then that you can mention these goals are important to you and that you may start looking for opportunity elsewhere.

Copyright ©2010 Global Knowledge Training LLC All rights reserved. 1-800-COURSES

Monday, March 2, 2009

Glocap Publications - Hedge Fund Book





Yes, times are tough, but there are hedge funds that are hiring. This book outlines what it takes to get a foot in the door - whether you're just out of school or have several years' of work experience. You'll learn where hedge funds traditionally look for new candidates, what sort of experience is needed to set yourself up for a position, and what can be done to improve your chances of getting into the fund of your choice.

In addition to Glocap's own guidance, this book offers case studies of more than two-dozen people who have successfully navigated the difficult hedge fund hiring path. These people candidly discuss what worked for them, what interviews were like and what, if anything, they would have done differently. Sample resumes and interviewing tips are also included.

SPECIAL OFFER.Are you in business school? Undergrad? Or, an active alumni? We are happy to work with school groups such as investment clubs to arrange discounts for active members. If you are interested in such a discount and willing to take the lead by contacting your fellow classmates, contact Aaron Finkel at finkel@glocap.com

If you're seriously considering a career in hedge funds, it helps to understand how they hire. This book will give you an edge that will allow you to stay one step ahead of others looking to secure a position in this field.

SPECIAL 35% DISCOUNT: Order today and receive a 35% discount off the $44.99 cover price. After selecting a shipping method and adding the book to your cart, enter HF-35 where it says "Redeem Coupon." Then proceed with your order


  • Targeted advice for all levels of candidates
  • Unique insight from industry executives
  • Case studies
  • Sample resumes
  • Interview advice
  • The latest compensation data


Adam Zoia is the founder and Managing Partner of Glocap Search LLC and currently runs the firm's hedge fund practice. He has been actively recruiting hedge fund and private equity professionals for almost a decade and has worked on searches for many well-established funds in the United States and Europe. Adam is a frequent speaker at conferences and business schools and has been sought out and appeared on numerous occasions on mainstream media, including CNN, CNBC, and the New York Times, as an expert on hiring trends and executive compensation.

Blogs and similar online sites
Career coaches or counselors
College recruiting & job fairs
Facebook application
Family and friends
Informational interviews
Job boards (large, all-purpose)
Job boards (niche/specialty)
Job fairs (other than college)
Message boards and chat rooms
Networks (college alumni)
Networks (other than college)
Past manager or colleague
Newspaper ads
Outplacement firms
Professional associations
Professional resume writers
Recruiting/placement firms
Sending unsolicited resumes to companies
Temporary agencies
Walk-ins/cold calls to employers

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I just realized that I've been thinking about the same thing I've already written about 5 months ago. There we go, I wanted to write down my experiences interviewing for entry-level jobs. Fresh grads from bottom of the top tier universities, here we go!

1. First I think I need put down a list of companies that I've interviewed for.
2. A section on government jobs- the process of applying, waiting for exam/interview notification/salary ladder. I have not attended any exams and have not been involved in any government work thus far so my opinion on this topic is very limited. Additional insights are encouraged!
3. Finance & Accounting jobs- which industries hire the most people and what are few of the companies around that are actively recruiting either across the country or in California.
4. Job placement companies- what are temp jobs? what are the big finance & accounting placement companies? (RemX, Robert Half, etc) My experience with temp companies.
5. Insurance, sales, being aware of pyramid schemes, money sucking traps.
6. What is the insurance industry like? State exams, what are their closing rate (33%)
7. Financial advisor/planner- what is that all about? Wealth management.
8. What does it mean to be a "Financial Analyst"?
9. What does it mean to be a "Business (Systems) Analyst"?
10. What's Big 4? What's tax and audit? What's CPA? Non CPA accounting routes?
11. CFA vs. MBA?
12. Craigslist- 90% of time a waste of time. Posting your resume on craigslist.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Everyday I remind myself that I want to start a blog about tips for entry level jobs for college students, tips that monstertrak or any large career sites don't tell you about. And it will be tailored to the trend in America too. At least I'll start pinpointing some topics now?

Major jobs that are constantly recruiting, possible scams include:
-Financial advisory/planning/consultancy
-Business Analyst/ Quality Assurance
-Insurance sales

What to be aware of when applying to jobs:
-Do they make you pay up front and promise to pay you back after?
-Do they emphasize a lot on how much money you can make in a year, or two, etc?
-Do they make you attend seminars that are mostly basic crap that you already knew from high school/college?
-Are you able to find information about that company online?
-And most importantly, do you know EXACTLY what the position does and what it involves?

You get the picture.
DO NOT follow through the application/interview process if you cannot answer these questions, no matter how much $$$ they promise to pay you, it is a trap.

Most of the time it is the companies that don't pay much that are the real, practical jobs.
But obviously do not be stupid enough to be exploited for slave/ low pay labor, unless it is an unpaid internship that you deem important and that may benefit your career (for example if you can learn how to use softwares, skills to do specific stuff like customer service, accounting, etc)

Next up I will start building a list of questionable companies so when you search for them and they pop up here, you have an idea that there's probably something fishy with these guys!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

24 unit minimum for this CPUC job app:
Each course listed are 4 unit semester courses unless otherwise noted.

BUS 401 UG Strategic Management
BUS 323 UG Federal Taxation I (2)
BUS 422 UG Federal Taxation II (2)
BUS 330 UG Investment Analysis
BUS 321 UG Intermediate Accounting II
BUS 429 UG Contemporary Acct Topics
BUS 333 UG Financial Statement Analysis
BUS 430 UG International Fin Mgmt
BUS 472 UG Database Mgmt in Business (2)
CS 151 UG Spreadsheet Computing I (2)

1. Strategic Management: Marketing
2. Federal Taxation I: Personal Income Tax
3. Federal Taxation II: Corporate Income Tax
4. Investment Analysis: Finance Modeling
5. Intermediate Accounting II: CPA topic (last part)
6. Contemporary Acct Topics: Accounting thesis; International Accounting
7. Financial Statement Analysis: Interpreting financial statements and analyzing ratios
8. International Fin Mgmt: Deratives, swaps, borrowing, FX
9. Database Mgmt in Business: SQL, Access, relational database concepts
10. Spreadsheet Computing I: Advanced Excel (macros, pivot charts, statistics analysis toolpak, etc)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blah, I messed up my Advent Software interview. They quizzed me with ibanking logic games (of which I got 2 out of 3 correctly) and a bunch of IT questions for the second round. I can never figure out how well I do in on site interviews I mean, what the hell do they judge on really? Now that I've been turned down, I think back, and I guess I've made a number of mistakes like,
1. my major accomplishment is not major enough
2. overtalking
3. overthinking/ nervous
4. did not ask for business cards to follow up/ unable to express desire for position
5. not well prepared enough for the tech quiz (especially the VPN, MySQL and Network drive parts, all of which I am least familiar with)
6. not overhearing a phone conversation from the employees to see what it's like to work there
7. they called my previous employer and he gave me a bad reference.

Union Bank of California totally pissed me off. And I single handedly threw Wells Fargo away long before that.
This is terrible.
It's not like I'm stupid, but why all the bad luck?
Because with all the overqualified peeps being laid off by good firms, they are filling up the lower ranks and killing prospects for me. I have no edge because I have no experience.

P.S. for my major accomplishment I think I have to bring my language skills next time. Something like, with a very unique and unparalled education/ growth environment I was in, I was able to handle multiple international languages as I grow up, which is a very hard to achieve goal/level for other people.