Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Everyday I remind myself that I want to start a blog about tips for entry level jobs for college students, tips that monstertrak or any large career sites don't tell you about. And it will be tailored to the trend in America too. At least I'll start pinpointing some topics now?

Major jobs that are constantly recruiting, possible scams include:
-Financial advisory/planning/consultancy
-Business Analyst/ Quality Assurance
-Insurance sales

What to be aware of when applying to jobs:
-Do they make you pay up front and promise to pay you back after?
-Do they emphasize a lot on how much money you can make in a year, or two, etc?
-Do they make you attend seminars that are mostly basic crap that you already knew from high school/college?
-Are you able to find information about that company online?
-And most importantly, do you know EXACTLY what the position does and what it involves?

You get the picture.
DO NOT follow through the application/interview process if you cannot answer these questions, no matter how much $$$ they promise to pay you, it is a trap.

Most of the time it is the companies that don't pay much that are the real, practical jobs.
But obviously do not be stupid enough to be exploited for slave/ low pay labor, unless it is an unpaid internship that you deem important and that may benefit your career (for example if you can learn how to use softwares, skills to do specific stuff like customer service, accounting, etc)

Next up I will start building a list of questionable companies so when you search for them and they pop up here, you have an idea that there's probably something fishy with these guys!!!

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